The Story Of How The Trampman Was Born

7 years ago a local ad popped up asking if someone could assist with a trampoline assembly. Armed with a wrench, a few allen keys and after watching 5 Youtubes I headed off to the job.

"this looks easy, I will be done within the hour".

Then 4 hours later... I had finished "I am never doing that again".

A minute later another ad poped up requesting someone to assemble a trampoline. I couldn't resist to give it another go and the rest is history.

My name is Scott and I am founder and director of Trampman. From my humble beginnings to now having completed over 3,500 installations. Gone from 4 hour completion time to 45 minutes and in the process probably saved countless marriages.

A service should be seamless from start to finish, including finding the service, booking, payment, selecting the a date/time, expert arriving and completion. This is how I have approached Trampman.

If you look over your neighbours fence there is a high chance we completed the trampoline for them and we would love to install, disassemble or relocate your trampoline.

Get in touch today.

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Please feel free to send us a message. We are also available on Chat and via phone 0409 565 014

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